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News From EOC       平 機 會 電 子 通 訊
30 December 2011
Issue 43


The Equal Opportunities Commission wishes you a Happy New Year! We look forward to advancing equal opportunities with you in 2012.

  1. Only One Chance in a Lifetime
    The EOC issues an article on the South China Morning Post on 29 December 2011 regarding education issues facing ethnic minority children

Picture on ethnic minority students In the SCMP article “Out of Touch”, EOC Chairperson, Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, urges the Education Bureau to address the education issues of ethnic minority children. “A whole generation of ethnic minority children is affected by the disappointing outcome of the current education policy. These children only have one chance in a lifetime to learn effectively during the foundation years,” said Mr. Lam. “It is time for the Education Bureau to step out from behind its brick wall and face the issue. Whatever their ethnic origins may be, these disadvantaged students are Hong Kong’s children. Invest in them through the right compensatory measures, they will be our assets. Leave them to the pool on their own, and many of them will drown.”

Read the full article “Out of Touch”
Read the EOC’s Submission to the Legislative Council Panel on Education (December 2011)


  1. Sexual Harassment must not be tolerated
    The EOC welcomes the court judgment on 23 December 2011 in favour of a woman who was sexually harassed by her colleague

Cartoon on sexual harassment The EOC has granted legal assistance in this case to highlight that sexual harassment in the workplace should not be tolerated. Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, Chairperson of the EOC, commented, “The ruling shows that conducts of a sexual nature, such as verbal remarks with a sexual overtone, are not acceptable at work. Every employee has the right to a workplace that is free from fear or humiliation, which will allow them to perform their best.” All employers, the Government included, are bound by the Sex Discrimination Ordinance to provide a harassment-free work environment for all. “We call on all employers and employees to better understand what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace and create a zero-tolerance culture on such acts,” said Mr. Lam.

Read the press release


  1. Radio interviews advocate equal opportunities
    Dr. John Tse, Deputy Convenor of the EOC’s Policy and Research Committee, calls for equal opportunities for all

Cover of the EOC’s Report of the Working Group on Ethnic Minority Education On 14 December 2011, Dr. John Tse, Deputy Convenor of the EOC’s Policy and Research Committee, appeared on our live radio programme “Equal Opportunities Diversity Project (平等機會多元共融行動)” from 2:00 to 2:30 pm on RTHK Radio 2 (FM 94.8-96.9). He explained the EOC’s recommendations to ensure equal access to quality education for all members of the community.

This weekly radio programme features interviews on different equality and diversity issues. Previous interviews have been uploaded on both the EOC and RTHK websites.

Listen to the radio interview
Other episodes


  1. “Are Men being Marginalized?”
    Analysis of Men's and Women's Structural Positions in Hong Kong is now available on YouTube

Cartoon on gender symbols Gender stereotypes affect both men and women, but there are few studies on the pressures men face due to changing gender norms and their effects. To investigate this issue, the EOC commissioned the “Exploratory Study on Gender Stereotyping and Its Impact on Male Gender” with the Gender Research Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. A public seminar, "Are Men being Marginalized? - Analysis of Men's and Women's Structural Positions in Hong Kong" was organised to explore the issues. Video highlights from this seminar are now available for public viewing on the EOC’s YouTube channel. The video highlights are divided into 5 parts (Cantonese only):

Part 1: Let the Data Speak
Part 2: Financial Position vs Family Power
Part 3: Alcohol Abuse by Men
Part 4: Interview with Men from Different Age Groups and Social Status
Part 5: Q & A Session
Details on the "Exploratory Study on Gender Stereotyping and Its Impacts on Male Gender" 2011

Stay updated on the EOC's work and positions by referring to our press releases, speeches, media interviews, and calendar training on our website. Also, stay tuned on other equal opportunities issues and community initiatives by visiting our community resources and community events pages for information from our community partners, including publications, survey reports, publicity campaigns, and upcoming conferences.