
  1. Prof. Chan’s New Bi-weekly Column on am730 Website

We have recently extended our media footprint with a new column by our Chairperson, Prof. Alfred CHAN, on the website of am730, one of the highest-circulation free newspapers in Hong Kong. In his first article for the new column, Prof. Chan set the tone by briefly recounting the history and functions of the EOC. In the future, he will share with the paper’s readers his thoughts on different discrimination issues and his experiences as EOC Chairperson.

Apart from am730, Prof. Chan also writes in the South China Morning Post and Mingpao Daily from time to time. His published articles are available on the EOC’s website.

Read Prof. Chan’s am730 column
Read Prof. Chan’s published articles


  1. Newly Released Video: Re-charting My Destiny


For most of us, chasing our dreams requires much determination and hard work. For people with disabilities, the effort and courage it takes is multiplied by leaps and bounds. Tiffany and Alex have had their share of setback in pursuing their dreams and careers, but they refuse to be defined by their disabilities. By staying positive and being diligent, and with the support of their families and good employers, they found a way to realise their potential and give back to society. Want to listen to their stories? Take a look at the EOC’s latest documentary, Re-charting My Destiny, on the EOC YouTube Channel. You may also want to check our video archive for other documentaries and the winning microfilms from our previous competitions.

Watch Re-charting My Destiny
EOC YouTube Channel


  1. Let’s Be Our Own “Mentalist”

When our body is sick, we go to the doctor, take medication, or at least try to drink more water and rest up. Yet when we experience a mental upset, we are often slow to react. What many of us do not realise is that our mind and body are inevitably linked, and mental disturbances, however minor, can take a toll on our overall health.

To promote public awareness of the importance of mental health, the Labour and Welfare Bureau has been organising Mental Health Month with support from other government departments, NGOs and public bodies, including the EOC. This year’s campaign is themed “Happy parents, happy family”, highlighting the importance of family as an environment for nurturing mental wellbeing.

The campaign features a number of activities, including a visual art project for students and a lyric writing contest open to all Hong Kong residents. A key initiative is the Hong Kong Mental Health Index Survey, conducted by the Mental Health Month Organising Committee’s Research Working Group, which includes the EOC, to assess the state of mental health of Hong Kong people. A press conference will be held on 10 November 2016 at the EOC office to announce the results of the survey.

Get updates on Mental Health Month
Take part in the lyric writing contest


  1. Make Work-life Balance a Reality

In cut-throat, adrenaline-driven capitalist Hong Kong, a lot of employers and even employees put an equal sign between success and the number of working hours. As a result, “work-life balance” has become a luxury, if not a taboo. But the reality is that every one of us needs to rest and to have leisure time for socialising and pondering about life. If these basic physical and psychological needs are not met, we become tired and unhappy, and our incentive and productivity go down rather than up.

Community Business, whose mission is to “lead, inspire and support businesses to have a positive impact on people and communities”, is determined to make work-life balance a reality by making employers understand its benefits. Since 2008, the NGO has been running an annual Work-Life Balance campaign to encourage companies to pay more than lip-service to work-life balance by organising related initiatives for their employees.

The EOC is pleased to be a supporting organisation and to help spread the message to our stakeholders. If your organisation is interested in joining the 2016 Work-Life Balance Week, which will run from 17 to 21 October, please contact Community Business for details.

Learn more about Work-Life Balance Week 2016


Visit our website or download the EOC mobile app (Apple App Store / Google Play) to stay updated on the EOC’s work and positions, and to review our press releases and calendar training. Also, stay tuned on other equal opportunities issues and community initiatives by visiting our community resources and community events pages for information from our community partners, including publications, survey reports, publicity campaigns, and upcoming conferences.