- Private enterprises:
Companies registered under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310) or incorporated under the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622). Entrants must possess a valid certificate of corporation or business registration certificate.
- Public and non-profit-making organisations:
Non-governmental organisations and social enterprises (including educational, healthcare and charitable institutions, social service organisations and social enterprises), statutory bodies, chambers of commerce, professional bodies, as well as Government bureaux and departments.
Award Categories
- Equal Opportunity Employer: Private and public entities that have demonstrated commitment to the promotion of equal opportunities values and adopted commendable equal opportunities, and/or diversity and inclusion policies and practices in any one of the four areas of gender, disability, family status and race may receive the recognition as Equal Opportunity Employer:
- Equal Opportunity Employer (Gender Equality)
- Equal Opportunity Employer (Equality for Diverse Abilities)
- Equal Opportunity Employer (Family Status Equality)
- Equal Opportunity Employer (Racial Equality and Inclusion)
- Outstanding SME Award: SMEs1 that have adopted impressive equal opportunities, and/or diversity and inclusion policies and practices in any one of the above four areas.
- Equal Opportunity Employer Gold Award: Private and public entities that have made remarkable achievements in ALL of the above four areas.
- Each of the awarded entity will be presented with a trophy and a Certificate of Recognition. The awardees can use the Equal Opportunity Employer Logo in their promotional or communication materials.
- To give awarded organisations sufficient time to make progress on their equal opportunities policies and practices, and allow time to recruit more new organisations to participate, the Recognition Scheme will be conducted every 2 to 3 years, depending on the response to the inaugural scheme and the operational arrangements.
1Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined as manufacturing enterprises with fewer than 100 employees, and non-manufacturing enterprises with fewer than 50 employees.