Equal Opportunities Commission


Press Releases

Press Releases

EOC expresses concern over unlawful acts of inciting racial hatred through the Internet


The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) expressed serious concern that some derogatory remarks about particular racial groups were posted on the Internet recently.

Commenting on the incident, Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, Chairperson of the EOC, said, “The posting of racially derogatory remarks on the internet is a form of racial discrimination and vilification. The Commission is very concerned that the invective, intimidating and threatening comments may put ethnic minorities at a particular disadvantage and is destructive to social harmony in our community.”

Under the Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO), it is unlawful to discriminate, harass or vilify a person on the ground of the person’s race.  Racial vilification is an activity in public which incites hatred, serious contempt for, or severe ridicule of a person because of his/her race. Any racist incitement involving threats of physical harm to persons or their property or premises may constitute serious vilification, which is a criminal offence with a maximum penalty of $100,000 and imprisonment for 2 years.

The EOC has approached the concerned blog masters and ISPs informing them of the possible liabilities. The website companies were urged to remove the derogatory contents and to provide information of individual bloggers.

For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Mariana LAW at 2106-2226.


Equal Opportunities Commission
3 June 2010
