Other Support
This page introduces to you the community resources that can support you or anyone who has been sexually harassed, ranging from emergency psychological support to sexuality education. If you or anyone you know are in a crisis or danger, please call 999 or contact the police for emergency assistance.

*Disclaimer:This is a page of the community directory and the EOC bears no responsibility concerning the completeness, accuracy, and use of such information. For enquiries related to the organisations in this directory, please contact the organisation concerned directly. The EOC is not in any way affiliated or associated with the below listed organisations (“the organisations”) or responsible or liable for the services provided by the organisations to anyone. The EOC disclaims any or all liabilities for any loss, damage and any other consequence resulting directly or indirectly from or relating to any services provided, or not provided by, the organisations to anyone.

Sexual Health & Sexuality Education

Service Name

6077 3941 (WhatsApp / Signal)


2572 2222 (Clinic Services)

2919 7734 (Education Services)

2394 6677

5226 8473 (WhatsApp)

Image-Based Sexual Violence Support

Service Name

2493 4555

mnb4555 (Telegram)

2302 0068

Legal Advice