Equal Opportunities Commission


Chairperson’s Articles

Indecent Photos on the Internet (2) -- Joint Statement by Women’s Groups (Chinese only)



*In response to the indecent photos, three women's groups (including Hong Kong Women Development Association, Kowloon Women's Organization Federation and Hong Kong Island Women's Association) have issued a joint statement and have informed the EOC of their position. In the context of promoting gender dignity and reflection upon the objectification / commercialization of the female body, we reproduce their joint statement (Chinese only) with permission.



  1. 香港婦聯、九龍婦女聯會、香港島婦女聯合會就近期疑似藝人不雅照片事件,作出聯合聲明
  2. 我們強烈譴責以女性裸照為主的淫褻物品,是踐踏和侵害受害人及女性的尊嚴;
  3. 我們強烈?責個別傳媒推波助瀾,更罔顧傳媒道德操守,以銷量為最終目的,特製加印專輯,故意渲染色情、淫褻,荼毒社會;
  4. 我們要求政府應嚴格執法,加強管制淫褻及不雅刊物;
  5. 我們要求政府應從速修訂現時法例,補救漏洞,妥善規管網上的違法行為; 我們要求政府在社會上加強德育及性教育工作;
  6. 我們感謝警方積極採取行動,打擊上載相片行為,遏止照片流傳;
  7. 我們期望社會大眾展開正面和積極的討論,從道德觀念、兩性關係、性教育、尊重私隱等不同角度,反思發布者、拍攝者、被拍者,甚至下載者各自的責任。

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