Equal Opportunities Commission


Ask for Help

How Can We Help You?

We are here to help. You can make enquires or lodge complaints by letter, on-line form, telephone (for enquiries only), or in person.

Make an Enquiry Make an Enquiry Make an Enquiry

If you have any enquiries related to the anti-discrimination ordinances, you may lodge an enquiry with us.

Lodge a Complaint Lodge a Complaint Lodge a Complaint

Lodge a complaint with us if you believe you have been a victim of discrimination, harassment or vilification under one or more of the anti-discrimination ordinances.

Legal Assistance Legal Assistance Legal Assistance

Find information on how to apply for legal assistance.

Equal Opportunities Commission

Address 16/F., 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Phone (852) 2511-8211
SMS 61153037 (For people with hearing impairment/ speech difficulties during EOC's Office hours)
EMAIL eoc@eoc.org.hk (For general enquiries only. Please see Important Message here.)
Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. (except Public Holidays)