Equal Opportunities Commission


EO Club

Join The EO Club

Join The EO Club To Gain Exclusive Access To Free Equal Opportunities Training, Inspiring Events And Comprehensive Resources!

EO Club
Welcome Gift

Welcome Gift

The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) provides both free and paid in-house workshops to the public. Apart from joining the free workshops, each member can join any one of the paid workshops free of charge (original course fee is up to HK$1,480) within the respective membership year. (Limited seats for all workshops. Enrolment is made on a first-come-first-served basis.)

Networking Opportunities

Networking Opportunities

Exclusive events to explore the latest equal opportunities trends and meet like-minded professionals.

Curated Resources

Curated Resources

Up-to-date information about the anti-discrimination ordinances. 

Who Should Join

Employers, human resources practitioners, workplace trainers, equal opportunities officers and anyone who is interested in equal opportunities issues

(1/1/2025 - 31/12/2025)
Individual Member

Individual Member

Annual membership fee is HK$350. (Early bird offer of HK$300 if payment is completed on or before 20/12/2024. If you choose to pay with cheque by mail, it must be postmarked on or before 20/12/2024.)

Corporate Member

Corporate Member

Annual membership fee is HK$600 for every 2 employees. Corporates are welcome to apply for multiple memberships and they can change representatives during the respective membership year.

How To Join

Please complete the online application form at the EOC website and pay the respective membership fee using one of the following methods: Mail, Faster Payment System (FPS), bank deposit or bank transfer

Payment Methods For EO Club Membership Subscription

Faster Payment System (FPS)

You may use the email below for payment through FPS.

Payee name : fps@eoc.org.hk


Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

You may use HSBC or Hang Seng Bank's ATM to make bank transfer to the following bank account:

Account Name : Equal Opportunities Commission
Bank Name : The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC)
Bank Code : 004
Account Number : 511-665242-001


HSBC Cheque / Cash Deposit Machine

You may use HSBC's Cheque / Cash Deposit Machine to deposit cheque or cash to the HSBC bank account no. 511-665242-001.


Bank Transfer through direct credit / cash transfer / autopay to EOC's bank account

You may use the following account to make bank transfer. The EOC is not responsible for any bank charges arising.

Account Name : Equal Opportunities Commission
Bank Name : The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Bank Code : 004
Account Number : 511-665242-001
Bank Address : HSBC Main Building, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong



You may send a crossed cheque (payable to "Equal Opportunities Commission") with a copy of the enrollment form to the following address by mail :

Equal Opportunities Commission
16/F, 41 Heung Yip Road
Wong Chuk Hang
Hong Kong
(Re : EO Club Application)

If an official receipt is required, please provide the name to be shown on receipt and the postal address.

If you have any questions about the EO Club, please contact us at:

Equal Opportunities Commission

Address 16/F., 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Phone (852) 2106-2155 / 2511-8211
SMS 61153037 (For people with hearing impairment / speech difficulties during EOC's Office hours)
EMAIL eoclub@eoc.org.hk
Office Hours Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m. (except Public Holidays)

The information provided by the EO Club is no substitute for legal advice, and the Equal Opportunities Commission will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of the information contained therein.

Granting of the EO Club membership is at the discretion of the EOC. If the conduct of an EO Club Member is found to be unbecoming or brings detriment to the interest of other Members or adversely affect the operations and activities of the EO Club, the EOC has the right to terminate his or her EO Club membership.

All paid membership fees would not be refunded.
