Chairperson’s Message
The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a deluge of concern about discrimination in a variety of scenarios. From online to offline, the word “discrimination” has been tossed about so often that misinformation and misunderstanding abound.
To explain how the anti-discrimination ordinances may or may not apply to situations arising from the contagion, the EOC has created this new webpage bringing together the press statements and op-ed articles the Commission has published in relation to the outbreak, as well as links to relevant media interviews and NGO services.
“Though mountains and oceans apart, we share the wind and moon under the same sky (山川異域 風月同天).” This was the saying printed on the boxes of masks donated by a Japanese institution to China earlier. Indeed, let us not be divided by our differences, but united by our humanity, for it is only through empathy and reason can we win this shared fight against COVID-19 together.
Ricky CHU Man-kin
Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission