EOC’s homepage sports new look for easier navigation
The EOC has given its homepage a refreshing new look, featuring larger visuals, auto drop-down menus and a sitemap showing all areas of the EOC website at a glance. The wealth of information available has also been reorganised under seven simple, self-explantaory headings, namely “About the EOC”, “Discrimination Laws”, “Enquiries & Complaints”, “Legal Services”, “Policy, Research & Training”, “Publicity & Education” and "Publications”.
The makeover is part of the EOC’s sustained effort to enhance the user experience of its website, which remains a go-to platform for individuals seeking redress for discrimination, employers planning their training programmes, as well as NGOs and academics looking to draw insights from past research. Moving forward, the EOC will continue to work towards perfecting the design and user-friendliness of its digital channels and get the message of anti-discrimination across far and wide.