EOC publishes 2017/18 Annual Report
The 2017/18 Annual Report of the EOC has been released, and was tabled at the Legislative Council on 12 December 2018. Carrying the theme “Transforming for a Better Future”, the report summarises the key initiatives and activities of the Commission during 2017/18, notably the review of the complaint-handling process and the governance review, that served to enhance the accountability and quality of the EOC’s services, while advancing equal opportunities for marginalised groups. As Professor Alfred CHAN Cheung-ming, EOC Chairperson put it in the report, “We are aware that in order to bring about meaningful transformation, often times we must start by reinventing ourselves... The past year was about transforming ourselves to put up a stronger fight and break new ground... Our long-term vision is for the EOC to become a more robust enforcer of the anti-discrimination laws and a more impactful influencer on public policy.”