Equal Opportunities Commission


E-news Issue 205


Young cartoonists and filmmakers awarded for works on diversity and inclusion

The late American civil rights activist Mary McLeod BETHUNE once wrote, “We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends.”

Perhaps we have all haboured a zeal for making a difference at some point in our lives. That sense of aspiration suffuses the winning works of the EOC’s “Generation-i” multmedia competition, recently announced at an award ceremony on 3 March 2019. Launched last year, the competition represented the EOC’s latest youth education initiative, inviting local secondary students to channel their thoughts on diversity and inclusion through creative means – drawing comic strips and making short videos.

The winners stood out from nearly 100 entries and touched on a variety of themes, from racial inclusion and the talents of persons with disabilities to prejudice against the LGBTI community. Not only are they a powerful showcase of youthful creativity, but they also embody the message of embracing differences. Take a look at the works now and hear what our young people have to say!
