Equal Opportunities Commission


E-news Issue 271

Screenshots of the video explainer “What You Should Know as a Tenant under the Race Discrimination Ordinance”, available in Available in Bahasa Indonesia, English, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu

EOC creates multi-language videos to promote racial equality in tenancy

Time and again, members of non-ethnic Chinese communities in Hong Kong recount to the EOC the difficulties they face when trying to rent a flat. Landlords, for example, have allegedly refused to rent to people of South Asian descent outright. There have also been reports of some estate agents declining to serve customers of certain races.

In spite of their routine experiences of unfavourable treatment, ethnic minorities tend not to lodge complaints, according to a study released by the EOC in 2016. A shared fear is that they would be labelled as “troublemakers”. 

To raise awareness of how the Race Discrimination Ordinance applies to tenancy-related situations, as well as of avenues of redress for aggrieved individuals, the EOC has recently produced an infographic and a video explainer, and disseminated the resources to non-ethnic Chinese communities with the support of NGOs and community representatives.

The former comes in Chinese, English, Nepali and Urdu versions, while the latter is available in Bahasa Indonesia, English, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu.
