Hong Kong Council of Social Service organises convention and social service expo
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), the Council is organising the 3rd HKCSS Convention on 15 February 2023 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Carrying the theme “United for an Inclusive Society”, the convention will bring together over 500 agency members and stakeholders from the welfare and other sectors to engage in knowledge and insight exchange on such issues as identifying key social agenda, enhancing social impact and co-creating solutions to address social issues.
In parallel with the convention, HKCSS will hold the Hong Kong Social Service Expo, which provides a platform for various sectors, such as business, medical, education, professional bodies and charitable foundations to learn more about the welfare sector, and to co-create innovative, visionary and effective solutions in response to evolving social needs.
Registration for the events will begin on 13 January. For more information, check it out from the website below.