Equal Opportunities Commission


E-news Issue 307

Panel Discussion on Special Support for Students with Mental Challenges opens for registration

Panel Discussion on Special Support for Students with Mental Challenges opens for registration

Students with mental challenges have varying and complicated needs that require special support and treatments. University staff members may not be equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills to provide relevant support.

With an aim to raise awareness and strengthen capacity towards students with mental illness among university staff members, the Student Affairs Office of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Dean of Students’ Office of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and the Office of Student Affairs of Lingnan University (LU) will convene a physical panel discussion on special support for students with mental challenges.

EOC Acting Head (Policy, Research and Training) Ms Doris TSUI will join the panel to share views on how to address students with special needs. Other panellists include Mr Vergo CHENG, Educational Psychologist of Heep Hong Society, Dr Allen DORCAS, Senior Teaching Fellow of PolyU’s Department of Applied Social Sciences, Ms Vava KWOK, Senior Student Counsellor of HKUST’s Counselling and Wellness Centre and Dr WONG Ho-cheong, Director of PolyU’s University Health Service. The panel will dive into several real cases of students with mental challenges so that participants can gain practical tips and insights that can be applied to their work.

The activity will be conducted in English and held at PolyU from 4pm to 5:45pm on 20 June. Staff members of local tertiary institutions are highly encouraged to join the event. The registration deadline is 15 June 2023.
