Press Releases
The EOC Welcomes Re-appointment of EOC Members
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the announcement by the Government today (6 May 2022) on the re-appointment of Mr Simon LAM Ken-chung and Dr Sigmund LEUNG Sai-man as Members of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) for a term of two years with effect from 20 May 2022. (Please refer to the Appendix for the list of the Membership of the EOC.)
Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin, Chairperson of the EOC, welcomes the re-appointment: “Mr Simon LAM Ken-chung and Dr Sigmund LEUNG Sai-man have served the Commission with dedication and commitment and we are grateful for their continued services to the EOC. The EOC Board which comprises Members from a mix of expertise and sectors, will continue to work closely with stakeholders to strive for a pluralistic and inclusive society without discrimination, and effectively carry out our statutory duties in serving the community and responding to the needs of the society.”
Equal Opportunities Commission
6 May 2022
Membership List
Equal Opportunities Commission
Chairperson 主席
Mr CHU Man-Kin, Ricky, I.D.S. (朱敏健先生)
1. Ms CHAN Lai-kwan, Queenie, M.H. (陳麗群女士)
2. Prof CHAN Lai-wan, Cecilia, J.P. (陳麗雲教授)
3. The Hon CHENG Wing-shun, Vincent, M.H., J.P. (鄭泳舜議員)
4. Prof CHIU Man-chung, Andy (趙文宗教授)
5. Ms CHOI Yi-tak, Rosanna (蔡懿德女士)
6. Dr. Theresa CUNANAN (高德蘭博士)
7. Mr Mohan DATWANI (高朗先生)
8. Ms HO Chiu-ha, Maisy, B.B.S. (何超蕸女士)
9. Mr LAM Ken-chung, Simon (藍建中先生)
10. Dr LEUNG Sai-man, Sigmund, B.B.S., J.P. (梁世民醫生)
11. Dr SHIE Wai-hung, Henry (謝偉鴻博士)
12. Ms Anna THOMPSON (唐安娜女士)
13. Ms TSANG Chi-man, Linda (曾志文女士)
14. Dr Rizwan ULLAH, M.H. (利哲宏博士)
15. Mr WONG Chi-him, Gary (黃梓謙先生)
16. Miss YIM Chor-pik, Rabi (嚴楚碧女士)