Press Releases
EOC Announces the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for Schools
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (4 September 2023) announced the launch of the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for Schools. Following the inaugural success, the second edition of the Scheme will run for an extended period starting from the new 2023/24 school year in September 2023 and culminating in April 2024. It will also cover a wider scope to include activities that promote inclusion of people from different regional cultures and places of origins, such as new immigrants, residents and non-residents from different parts of Mainland China.
The Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme is an effort by the EOC to encourage schools to teach racial inclusion to their students through engagement. It was first launched to mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2023 with the aim of inspiring schools to undertake student activities and publicity initiatives to promote racial equality and inclusion on campuses.
Applauding the launch of the expanded Scheme, EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin said, “Last school year, over 60 local schools participated in the Scheme. The response we received both in terms of the number of participating schools as well as the variety of initiatives they undertook clearly shows the importance of racial equality and inclusion for both educators and students. We strongly believe that combating biases and prejudices should begin from a young age as values of fairness, equality and inclusion are crucial to the wellbeing of young people. Schools and teachers have the responsibility to pass on positive values and principles to their students, which they will carry through into their adulthood. We look forward to joining hands with more schools to nurture fair-minded, culturally aware and inclusive future citizens.”
With the arrival of more Mainland and overseas talents in the workforce, the EOC strongly believes that racial inclusion education is not only conducive to fostering a more welcoming environment for newcomers, but also essential for preparing the younger generation for an increasingly diverse society.
Equal Opportunities Commission
4 September 2023
Leaflet on the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for Schools
Registration form of the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for Schools
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held the Recognition Ceremony of the first “Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for Schools” on 7 July 2023 to commend 60 schools for taking part in the Scheme.