Press Releases
EOC Rolls Out a Host of Initiatives to Mark IDERD 2024
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) 2024 (21 March 2024), the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is rolling out a series of initiatives. Among these is a bus-body advertising campaign launched on 19 March, which featured 50 buses displaying the advertisement for three weeks along various routes.
For this year’s IDERD, the EOC’s other focus is the promotion of racial inclusion in schools. An in-person event, the Diversity & Inclusion Education Forum, was held on 16 March at JC Cube in Tai Kwun, Central. Nearly 100 educators and school representatives joined the event that was co-organised with two NGOs, Inspiring Girls Hong Kong and WEDO Global.
The event, simultaneously marking the International Women’s Day (8 March) and the World Down Syndrome Day (21 March), included a panel discussion with education experts and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion practitioners on uprooting unconscious biases among teachers and students in terms of gender, race and ability. In addition, three schools were invited to share their innovative initiatives on promoting racial diversity and inclusion in their campuses and expanding STEAM exposure for female students.
Further, the nearly 180 schools that have joined the year-long Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme are publicising the special day by organising student activities and displaying EOC’s “All Races as One” poster.
The final event to cap off IDERD celebrations will be a Racial D&I Sports Day on 21 April at Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. The Sports Day also serves to kick off the EOC’s celebration of the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance. This event aims to use sports as a means to promote the values of racial integration, mutual respect and collaboration among people of diverse races. Through friendly games, the Sports Day will bring together the education, non-profit and corporate sectors. Over 300 participants are expected to attend.
EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin said, “Diversity is what makes people different, in terms of ethnicity, gender, age, religion, identity, ability, socio-economic status, etc. Inclusion is the creation of an environment in which people from different backgrounds are welcomed, respected and understood by others. By nurturing these values at a young age, we will help society become harmonious and prosperous as people work together for collective betterment without divisions.”
Equal Opportunities Commission
21 March 2024
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2024, the EOC is rolling out a series of initiatives. Among these is a bus-body advertising campaign, which featured 50 buses displaying the advertisement along various routes.
The EOC co-organised with two NGOs Inspiring Girls Hong Kong and WEDO Global on the Diversity & Inclusion Education Forum on 16 March, which was attended by nearly 100 educators and school representatives.
The EOC’s “All Races as One” poster is displayed by schools that have joined the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme to promote racial inclusion.