Equal Opportunities Commission


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Press Releases

EOC Holds Ceremony to Commend Schools under the Second Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme


The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) held a ceremony today (5 July 2024) at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Auditorium of the Hong Kong Palace Museum to  commend participating schools of the 2023/24 Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme for accomplishing their racial inclusion initiatives. Performing the ceremony today were Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong. Running for the second year, the 2023/24 Recognition Scheme was supported by the Education Bureau, and attracted participation of 158 kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.

Over 130 principals and teachers attended the event and received acknowledgement as Racially Friendly Campus Champions. 

First launched in 2023 to mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme aims at encouraging schools to educate their students on racial inclusion through engagement. Under the scheme, participating schools are required to organise functions, such as student activities, teacher training and publicity campaigns, with the objective of promoting racial equality and inclusion on their campuses. Apart from advocating inclusion across different races, the 2023/24 Scheme also promotes harmony among individuals of the same race but sharing different cultural backgrounds and places of origin, as well as fostering the inclusion of new immigrants, residents and non-residents from all corners of the world in the community.

Speaking at the event, EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau said, “We are very encouraged by the huge jump in the number of schools participating in the second running of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme, from 60 schools in the first round last year to 158 schools this year. The increase indicates that schools appreciate the importance of the values of diversity, equality and inclusion and are keen to impart these values on their students. It is also a clear sign that schools and teachers are aware of their responsibility to instil positive values in their students, and that the earlier these values are ingrained, the better. We would like to thank all the schools and teachers who have joined us on this important mission of nurturing our younger generation to become open-minded citizens who fully embrace the values of cultural diversity and inclusion. We look forward to working with more schools in the future.” 

Dr Choi highlighted that the government remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering a harmonious, inclusive, and caring society, and ensuring equal opportunities for individuals of all races. Presently, close to 27,000 non-Chinese speaking students are enrolled in primary and secondary schools, as well as kindergartens. To comprehensively support school teaching and cater to diverse student needs, the Education Bureau has implemented a range of measures. These initiatives encompass creating varied pathways for students, providing parent education and support, and addressing preschool education requirements. It is crucial for the entire school community to collaborate and persevere in nurturing a caring and inclusive campus environment. “The schools honoured today exemplify the cultivation of respect and acceptance among students towards diverse races and cultures. They have also played a pivotal role in promoting values of inclusion and friendship in society, deserving utmost recognition,” said Dr Choi.

In his keynote speech, Professor Lee said, “Embracing the principles of ‘student-centered’ and ‘education without distinction’, educators play a crucial role. This recognition ceremony acknowledges schools’ outstanding achievements in fostering racial inclusion, while inspiring all educational institutions to persist in their efforts. Together, we strive for an environment of equality, inclusivity, love, and peace, where every student can thrive and flourish.” 

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance, a major legal instrument for protecting everyone against racial discrimination. The EOC hopes that the success of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme will help promote racial inclusion among more schools and make such inclusion a city-wide norm in the coming years.


Equal Opportunities Commission
5 July 2024

At the recognition ceremony of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (fourth from left) is joined by the Guest of Honour, Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong (fourth from right); EOC Members Mr Vishal MELWANI (second from right), Mr Henry SHIE Wai-hung (third from right), Ms Anna THOMPSON (second from left), Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi (third from left), Dr Rizwan ULLAH (first from right) and Dr Vincent WONG Wai-lun (first from left) to commend participating schools of the Scheme for accomplishing their racial inclusion initiatives.
At the recognition ceremony of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme organised by the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (fourth from left) is joined by the Guest of Honour, Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong (fourth from right); EOC Members Mr Vishal MELWANI (second from right), Mr Henry SHIE Wai-hung (third from right), Ms Anna THOMPSON (second from left), Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi (third from left), Dr Rizwan ULLAH (first from right) and Dr Vincent WONG Wai-lun (first from left) to commend participating schools of the Scheme for accomplishing their racial inclusion initiatives.

EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (fifth from right, front row);  Guests of Honour, Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (fourth from right, front row) and Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong (third from right); and EOC Members join in a group photo with the sharing guests of the ceremony.
EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (fifth from right, front row);  Guests of Honour, Dr CHOI Yuk-lin, Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (fourth from right, front row) and Professor John LEE Chi-kin, President of the Education University of Hong Kong (third from right); and EOC Members join in a group photo with the sharing guests of the ceremony.
