Press Releases
Equal Opportunities Commission Invites Applications To Its 1999/2000 Funding Programme
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced its 1999/2000 "Community Participation Funding Programme on Equal Opportunities" today (12 February 1999). The funding programme aims to encourage community organizations to carry out projects in promoting equal opportunities and eliminating discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family status and disability.
There will be two batches for the funding programme. The application deadline for the first batch will be 31 March 1999 and the deadline for the second batch will be 31 August 1999. The maximum funding limit of each project is $30,000. The EOC aims to join hands with the community to create a society where there is no discrimination and no barriers to equal opportunities.
The EOC successfully conducted its funding programme since 1996/97 with very positive response from the community. Under the 1998/99 funding programme, about $850,000 were allocated to 48 community organizations to promote the concepts and the ordinances related to equal opportunities.
Interested organizations can contact the EOC Office on telephone 2511 8211, or on fax 2511 8142 to obtain details of the programme and application forms.
Enquiry: Shana WONG 21062218