Press Releases
EOC Statement
In response to a press advertisement by Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association today (4 May 2010), the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today issues the following statements :-
The press statement that the EOC issued on 28 April 2010 regarding a pregnancy discrimination case was a general statement informing the public that the Commission has granted legal assistance in the case, with a very brief description of the background and the reason for the assistance. It is neither an attempt to comment on the case before the court proceedings, nor to criticize any particular organization.
The practice for issuing a press statement when a writ has been filed has been a standard practice for the EOC since its establishment in 1996. The reason is that the EOC is obliged to inform the public of such legal assistance before the case is heard in court.
The EOC fully respects the process in the administration of justice. In fact, the EOC always upholds the principle of “no comment for individual cases” in dealing with press enquiries concerning individual complaint and court cases.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Mariana LAW at 2106-2226.
4 May 2010
Equal Opportunities Commission