Racial Diversity & Inclusion Sports Day 2024
Organised by Equal Opportunities Commission
Speech by Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, Chairperson, Equal Opportunities Commission
Dear guests, friends, students and participating teams, good morning.
I am honoured and excited to welcome all of you to this sporting event. This is truly a special occasion – not only because this is my first participation in racial diversity and inclusion event since taking up the position as the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission ten days ago, but also this is the first time we are promoting the message of diversity, equality and inclusion through a sporting event. What’s more, today’s event marks the official start of our celebrations to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the entry into force of the Race Discrimination Ordinance, a seminal piece of law that has changed the racial equality landscape in Hong Kong.
Sports is a great leveller. On the sports field, all that matters are skills, teamwork and grit. Differences in culture, language, and skin colour no longer count when players come together to win as a team. For our teams today, they are not just any teams but truly dynamic teams comprising of people from all walks of life. We have with us students, teachers, professionals, NGO staff, service users, public officers, and even celebrities – all coming together to dismantle racial barriers and eliminate stereotypes.
At the Equal Opportunities Commission, we are firm believers in creating a society that truly embraces diversity and inclusion. This year, as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Race Discrimination Ordinance, we hope that different sectors of the society will join hands with us to eliminate racial bias and discrimination.
Lastly, I wish you all a wonderful day, and hope that you will enjoy the games and make new friends. Thank you!