Equal Opportunities Commission


E-news Issue 208


Corporations join in making meetings accessible to PWDs

Accessibility means so much more than the physical environment for people with disabilities (PWDs). To facilitate PWDs to lead a truly barrier-free, accessible and independent life, we must change the social environment and even the way we conduct our business, besides changing our mindset.

Back in October 2018, the EOC issued a letter to the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS), spelling out the legal obligations of companies under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) to facilitate the participation of PWDs in their public meetings. Specifically, companies are recommended to include in all meeting notices a reply slip for potential participants to indicate any special needs they might have. The practical solution would allow companies to plan ahead and make accommodating arrangements.

With the support of HKICS, the letter was circulated to nearly 10,000 people on the HKICS’s network. The message has reached the Mass Transit Railway Corporation, which is arranging for the very first time simultaneous sign language interpretation at its upcoming 2019 Annual General Meeting. The positive move will hopefully inspire more to adopt similar and other accommodation measures for PWDs, spreading change in the business sector and our society.
