Speak up against sexual, disability and racial harassment in common workplaces
Since the Discrimination Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2020 took effect last June, the EOC has been publishing leaflets, guidance and magazine articles to educate the public about the latest changes to Hong Kong’s anti-discrimination laws. To further raise awareness of one of the major updates, namely the new protections against sexual, disability and racial harassment in common workplaces, the EOC will put up posters at around 60 MTR stations during 1-14 May 2021.
Specifically, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance and Race Discrimination Ordinance have been amended to prohibit sexual, disability and racial harassment committed by a workplace participant against another workplace participant at the workplace where they both work or attend. Workplace participants are defined to include employers, employees, interns, volunteers, partners in a firm, contract workers and their principals, as well as commission agents and their principals.
A “workplace” refers to any place where a person works (or which he/she attends) as a workplace participant. Examples include the office of a company where staff and interns work together; a co-working space where employees of different organisations work; a supermarket where employees of different product promotion companies and employees of the supermarket have a shared workplace; and a NGO’s service centre attended by both its employees and volunteer workers.
For definitions and examples of sexual, disability and racial harassment, please read the explainer here.