Equal Opportunities Commission


E-news Issue 261


Issue 261 | 14/07/2021

EOC Chairperson reflects on COVID lessons and highlights the Commission’s work in interview with The Standard

In a recent interview with The Standard, EOC Chairperson Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin shared how the Commission has stayed closely in touch with ethnic minority communities through...

EOC publishes new booklet “Learn the Law, Know Your Rights: Understanding Sexual Harassment”

What are the overlaps and differences between sexual harassment and indecent assault? Is it sexual harassment if the harasser “did not mean it”?...

Summer edition of EOC periodical “Equality Perspectives” now available online

Effective from 19 June 2021, Hong Kong’s Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) protects women from discrimination and harassment on grounds of breastfeeding in key areas of public life...

Kickstart your project with EOC funding

Looking for funding to do some good? The EOC’s Community Participation Funding Programme is now open for application until 17 September 2021...