British Consulate-General to host webinar on improving protections from sexual harassment in workplaces
The British Consulate-General in Hong Kong will host a webinar on 26 April 2022 from 2pm-3:20pm, entitled “Dignity at Work – Improving Protections from Sexual Harassment in Workplaces: Comparative Approaches”.
The EOC, The Women’s Foundation and the Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong are supporting organisations. The event will gather experts from the legal, policy and business sectors in Hong Kong, Australia and the United Kingdom to explore and compare the current situation and possible future improvements in laws, policies and practices to better prevent sexual harassment in workplaces.
Mr Peter READING, Senior Legal Counsel at the EOC will speak about recent reforms of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance regarding sexual harassment, such as the introduction of protection of workers from sexual harassment by customers, and protection against sexual harassment between participants of a common workplace, including interns, volunteers, contract workers, and employees of different organisations. He will also discuss the EOC’s advocacy work to secure the passage of criminal laws in 2021 against image-based sexual violence, which is sometimes a form of sexual harassment.
The event will be moderated by Fiona NOTT, CEO, The Women’s Foundation. The other panellists are: Mark ALASZEWSKI, Principal Solicitor, UK Equality and Human Rights Commission; Kate JENKINS, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission; Cynthia CHUNG, Partner, Head of Human Resources and Pensions Group, Deacons; and Rasheed SHROFF, Founder and Managing Director, Banyan Workspace.
The webinar is free and will be presented on Microsoft Teams.
Those who are interested in joining may register on EventBrite or RSVP to BCGHongKong.PressOffice@fcdo.gov.uk. You will be sent the Teams link once you have signed up.