Issue 280 | 27/04/2022
EOC gives legal assistance in COVID-related disability discrimination case
On 21 April 2022, the EOC issued legal proceedings under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) in the District Court, on behalf of a person (the Claimant) who made a job application for the position of Business Development Manager (BDM) at the Respondent company.
Power to make or break stereotypes means media must act sensitively, says EOC Chairperson
It is often said that with power comes great responsibility. The media, commonly referred to as the fourth power or the fourth estate given their capacity to influence the status quo, thus faces an important choice when portraying members of an underrepresented community: does the story reinforce insensitivity and prejudice that underlie the disadvantages they face, or does it help counter stereotypes and pave the way for positive change?
Quiz on anti-discrimination laws attracts 500+ challenge-takers
Online trivia quizzes – also known as Tatsujin challenges (達人挑戰) – recently became a fad in the city as Hongkongers were ready to jump onto anything that could quench the boredom of lockdown life. The EOC, too, joined the fun and rolled out a quiz about Hong Kong’s anti-discrimination ordinances on 7 April 2022.
EOC launches bus ad campaign “Fight the virus together as one human race”
On 8 April 2022, the EOC launched the bus advertising campaign, “Fight the virus together as one human race” as part of its year-long effort in promoting racial inclusion. Displayed on 50 buses along various routes for three weeks, the advertisements featured people from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds wearing masks sewn by non-ethnic Chinese women under WEDO Global’s “We Mask Action” project.