Press Releases
EOC organizes a Sharing Session on Accessible Public Transport Services
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (10 March 2012) hosted a half-day sharing session entitled "Accessible Public Transport Services", to review the existing challenges faced by people with disabilities and others in accessing public transport services and to explore enhancement measures for such services and its way forward.
In his welcoming remarks, the Hon. Frederick K.K. FUNG, Convenor of the Policy and Research Committee, EOC, said, "I am very grateful that so many stakeholders have come together today to discuss this issue that affects many of us in the society. Given Hong Kong’s aging population, accessibility is no longer an issue only for people with disabilities. It concerns all of us. Transport is a key and fundamental issue, and today we will look into it more thoroughly in the sharing session." He also added, “Franchised buses and railway are the two major passengers transport providers in the local community. Therefore, we have steered the sharing to focus on these two services.”
The sharing session provided a platform for different stakeholders including persons with disabilities, policy makers, government representatives as well as public transport operators to exchange views and experience in relation to the accessibility of public transport services, and challenges encountered by persons with disabilities in using them. Participants also explored the way forward to further enhance the accessibility of public modes of transport.
In the closing remarks, Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, Chairperson of the EOC said, “In June 2010, we released the Formal Investigation Report on Accessibility in Publicly Accessible Premises, and the Government and the Link have committed to fix those problems. But our work does not stop there. Accessible transport is a key issue that affects everyone’s life. Public transport facilities and services should be made accessible to all and they must cater to everyone’s needs. It is time for us to take concrete actions.”
Facilitated by Ms. WONG Ka-ling, Co-Convenor of Working Group on Access of the EOC, the first session’s panelists included Mr. LEE Yuen-tai (a wheelchair user), Mr. Kevin CHOW Kin-chun (a person with visual impairment) and Mr. WANG Kai-fung (a person with hearing impairment). The second session panelists included Mr. LEE Man-ho, Chief Transport Officer of the Transport Department; Miss Charlize LIU, Public Affairs Manager of the Citybus Limited and New World First Bus Services Limited; Mr. LEE Wai-sum, Assistant Principal Engineer (Body & Projects) of The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd and Mr. Jeff LEUNG, Senior Manager – External Affairs of the MTR Corporation Limited, facilitated by Mr. CHEUNG Kin-fai, Chairperson of the Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms Daisy WONG at 2106-2104.
Equal Opportunities Commission
10 March 2012
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- The Equal Opportunities Commission today (10 March 2012) hosted a half-day sharing session entitled, "Accessible Public Transport Services", to review the existing challenges faced by people with disabilities and others in accessing public transport services and to explore enhancement measures for such services and its way forward.
Speakers and participants said that they still faced various barriers in accessing public transport services. - The wheelchair parking space is too narrow for some bus models.
- Wheelchair users wish to see more lifts in MTR stations.