Press Releases
Employers Strongly Endorse Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter
The Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter for Employers (Charter) of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has seen a threefold increase in the number of signatories since its launch in December 2018.
The latest signatories, including locally based conglomerates, global companies, utilities, publishers, professional bodies, chambers of commerce, SMEs, and social enterprises, were acknowledged at today’s ceremony, which was organized by the EOC and supported by HSBC, one of the founding signatories of the Charter.
The Charter was introduced as a voluntary initiative in August 2018 to foster racial diversity and inclusion in workplaces. It consists of a set of nine guidelines that cover three broad areas, namely policy, culture and work environment. The EOC will act as an advisor to the participating companies helping them to formulate and implement minority-friendly policies and practices in order to support the Charter goals.
Mr Andy CHAN, Under Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs, officiated at the ceremony. Acting Chief Operations Officer of the EOC, Dr Ferrick CHU Chung-man said, “The EOC is happy to see a growing number of employers showing strong support for racial equality. We expect more participation this year as the campaign gathers momentum. The EOC will continue to play a pivotal role in fostering equality and inclusion in all areas including employment for people of all races.”
“There is no room for racial discrimination in the world. We are all born from the same place and therefore racial diversity means equal opportunities for all,” added Dr Allan ZEMAN, Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Group and keynote speaker at the event.
In her closing remarks, Ms Helen WONG, Chief Executive, Greater China, HSBC said, “We are proud to be among the first companies to sign the Charter last year. A diverse workforce makes good business sense. It gives us access to a wider pool of talent and helps us better understand the diverse needs of the community we serve.”
In the two panel discussions, ethnic minority young professionals and senior executives from some of the Charter signatory companies drew on their firsthand experience and talked about how racial diversity and inclusion benefits them and their organisations.
Interested companies can contact the EOC at 2511-8211 for enquiries about signing the Charter. For details of the Charter, please visit the EOC's website at
Photo caption:
Under Secretary for Constitutional & Mainland Affairs, Mr Andy CHAN (centre) and Chairman of Lan Kwai Fong Group and keynote speaker, Dr Allan ZEMAN (fifth from right) posing for a group photo with EOC Member Dr Henry SHIE (fourth from left), Dr Sigmund LEUNG (fifth from left), Dr Rizwan ULLAH (third from right) and Ms Elizabeth LAW (fourth from right), and EOC Acting Chief Operations Officer, Dr Ferrick CHU(second from right).
Equal Opportunities Commission
29 March 2019