Press Releases
EOC Gives Legal Assistance in Disability Discrimination Case
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has today (3 June 2004) issued legal proceedings under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Cap. 487 in the District Court, on behalf of a teacher whose contract was terminated due to his illness. The plaintiff suffered from cancer and his employer dismissed him in October 2002 by claiming that his contract of employment was void because he was unable to report for duty at the beginning of the school year in September 2002.
The EOC has granted legal assistance in this case because it deals with an important principle of how the dismissal of an employee with disability may amount to disability discrimination. By taking this case to court, the EOC believes the court's decision will serve as a guideline to employers on the management of sick leave in the workplace.
Enquiry: Mr. Sam HO 21062187