Press Releases
EOC Calls On Youth to Respect Sex Equality
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has urged young people to embark on an action plan to fight sexual harassment and gender stereotyping in order to respect individual rights of young women and men.
Mrs. Patricia Chu, Chairperson of the EOC said, "Many problems young people face today stem from a lack of respect for gender equality. Removing barriers to non-traditional training would allow everyone more choices in education, and in their roles at home and at work. The Commission has pledged to fight sexual harassment, and breaking gender stereotyping in career choices for students is now a focus of our annual public education programme Career Challenge for students."
Mrs. Chu was speaking at an Equal Opportunity Expo 2004 roadshow, held in conjunction with Commercial Radio 1 today at Ma On Shan Plaza. One of the guest speakers, Ms Ng Wai-ching, Service Co-ordinator of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women said sexual harassment was a serious problem for young people. In a survey conducted by the Association, almost 40% of respondents had endured unwelcome sexual jokes and over 30% faced these ordeals more than once. About 25% had been offended and embarrassed by others who boasted about their sexual experience to them.
"Barriers and hardships facing single parents have recently hit the headlines again," said Mrs Chu. "We know that many single parents and persons with family status encounter difficulties in everyday life, and that they may not be aware of the protection under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, and the social services that are available to women as well as men. I would like to thank Mr. Lai Wai-lun, Social Work Supervisor of Caritas Personal Growth Centre for Men, for his message that not only women, but men also have the right to seek help and support."
The Chairperson also thanked Career Challenge mentors Mr. Simon Kwok, Chairman & CEO of Sa Sa International & Holdings Ltd and Mr. Edward Lam, Artistic Director of Edward Lam Dance Theatre, for sharing their unique experiences of breaking traditional barriers to succeed in their chosen fields.
"We are also grateful to renowned photographer Mr. Water Poon for launching our Photo Competition EO Through Your Eyes, which encourages enthusiasts to show different aspects of inclusion and diversity in everyday life through the camera lens," Mrs. Chu said.
SKH Diocesan Welfare Council, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association and the Scout Association of Hong Kong also joined in today's roadshow in promoting awareness of equal opportunities. The roadshow marked the successful completion of the EO Development Programme for the two uniform groups, one of the highlights of this year's Expo.
The masters of ceremony, Ms. Carrie Li and Ms. Rosa Mok, both DJs of Commercial Radio 1, interviewed popular artistes Ms. Fiona Sit, EO2 and Mr. Ray Chan about their views on discrimination and engaged them in games and fun to promote equal opportunity values. The roadshow will be broadcast on Commercial Radio 1 (FM 88.1 – 89.5), 9:00 pm on 13 November 2004.
Details of EO Expo 2004 are available on the EOC website at Members of the public may contact the Equal Opportunities Commission at 2511-8211 for enquiries.
Enquiry: Mr. Sam Ho 21062187