Press Releases
Equal Opportunities Expo 2001 Kicks Off with Film on Disability
A Japanese film about a hearing impaired woman has been selected by the Equal Opportunities Commission to launch its EO Expo 2001 today. Officiating at the launching ceremony, the Chairperson of the EOC, Ms. Anna Wu explained, " For the first time, the Commission has chosen a film to launch this year's Expo because it conveys a strong message of acceptance and respect for all. The EOC believes in a barrier-free environment where people with or without disabilities can enjoy equal opportunities to develop to their fullest potential." Ms. Wu said this belief is clearly portrayed by the film.
" I Love You" is a first Japanese movie jointly produced by a hearing impaired director and a hearing director. The story which revolves around a woman, who overcomes her hearing impairment to join the hearing world, coincides with the theme of EO Expo 2001 "Inclusion and Equality for All". More than four hundred and fifty guests attended the premiere at the City Hall Theatre this evening.
Local artiste, Miss Law Wai-kuen who lost 80% of her hearing after an accident was the officiating guest at the premiere. Miss Law said she identified with the leading actress in the movie, who never gave up on life because of her disability. Miss Law added, " Striving to make myself part of society is an effort I have to make everyday. It is important for everyone in our society to understand and meet the different needs of all individuals."
Ms. Anna Wu also thanked the Hong Kong Arts Centre for co-hosting the event. Five free showings of " I Love You" will be available in the coming months, along with more than 20 community events in the annual Equal Opportunities Expo.
The EO Expo 2001 activities pamphlet is available in District Offices, Labour Department Offices and the EOC Office. Details of the programmes are also available on the EOC website at
For press enquiries, please contact Mr Sam Ho, Equal Opportunities Commission at 2106-2187.
Enquiry: Mr. Sam HO 21062187