Press Releases
Public Consultation Completed on The Code of Practice on Employment under the FSDO
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (17 December 1997) that the eight-week public consultation exercise on the Code of Practice on Employment under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) had been completed on 16 December 1997.
The Code aims to provide guidance to employers and employees on the procedures and systems that could help prevent discrimination and other unlawful acts on the ground of family status at the workplace, and to focus on equal opportunities in all aspects of employment.
During the consultation exercise, about 24,000 copies of the Code were distributed to members of the public. A total of 33 consultation meetings had been held with organizations including the Provisional District Boards, employers’ associations, trade union federations, human resources management and professional bodies, social service organizations and concern groups during which comments on the Code were gathered.
In addition, two public consultation sessions were also held to collect views from the general public. About 25 written submissions from organizations and individuals were also received up till 16 December.
Speaking at a press briefing, Dr. Fanny Cheung, Chairperson of the EOC, said, "Based on the views collected, the general public is supportive of the spirit of the Code of Practice and acknowledges the importance of adopting consistent selection criteria in employment as recommended in the Code."
Dr. Cheung said that the consultation exercise had provided a very useful forum where issues and concerns on the practical aspects of the FSDO were clarified. Comments received would be carefully considered and incorporated in the final version of the Code to be tabled before the Provisional Legislative Council in early February 1998. It is expected that the Code would become effective in March 1998.
Dr. Cheung also revealed that in recent weeks, some 200 enquiries on FSDO had been received.
"The EOC will focus its publicity and public education efforts to ensure a better understanding of the FSDO. Talks and seminars will be organized and publications to introduce the new legislation will be issued" said Dr. Cheung.
At the press briefing, Dr. Cheung also presented the first Annual Report of the EOC which was tabled at the Provincial Legislative Council the same afternoon. "The appointment of the EOC on 20 May 1996 marks the dawn of a new era in anti-discrimination efforts in Hong Kong" said Dr. Cheung.
"This annual report outlines the work of the EOC in its first year of operation which focused on bringing the Sex Discrimination Ordinance and the Disability Discrimination Ordinance into effect, issuing Codes of Practice on Employment under these first two discrimination ordinances and raising public awareness on the work of the EOC and the two ordinances. I believe we have laid a firm foundation based on legislative provisions, respect for human dignity, sensitivity and understanding of societal needs." Dr. Cheung remarked.
The report covers the period from 20 May 1996 to 31 March 1997.
Enquiry: EOC Hotline 25118211