Press Releases
Public Consultation on the Code of Practice on Employment under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) announced today (21 October 1997) that the Code of Practice on Employment (the Code) under the Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (FSDO) has been published for public consultation.
The public consultation period will last for eight weeks from 22 October to 16 December 1997.
The Code is being widely distributed to concern groups and organisations for comments. Consultation meetings will be organized with District Boards, concern groups, employers' and employees' associations, and educational institutions. Members of the public are invited to get copies of the Code from the District Offices, the Labour Department, the EOC and its web site.
At a press briefing, Dr. Fanny Cheung, Chairperson of the EOC said, "We attach a great deal of importance to the public consultation on the Code of Practice on Employment under the FSDO. We value comments from concern groups and interested individuals. Their views will be very useful in helping the EOC to finalise the Code".
"We encourage members of the public to give their views in writing to the EOC on the Code before 16 December 1997" Dr. Cheung added.
The FSDO, enacted on 26 June 1997, is expected to come into force in November 1997. Under the Ordinance, it is unlawful to discriminate against a person who has family status, that is to say, the status of having responsibility for the care of an immediate family member.
The Code under the FSDO is designed to assist employers and employees in understanding their responsibilities under the Ordinance. It provides practical guidance to the management of organisations on setting policies and procedures in various aspects of employment to help prevent discrimination, victimisation and other unlawful acts on grounds of family status in the workplace.
"Public views and comments will be appropriately incorporated in the Code before it is tabled at the Provisional Legislative Council (PLC) in early February 1998. Subject to the negative vetting of the PLC, it is hoped that the Code of Practice on Employment under the FSDO can come into effect in March 1998" Dr. Cheung said.
Enquiry: EOC Hotline 25118211