Press Releases
Equal Opportunities Commission Conducted Training for Front-line Staff of the Immigration Department to Enhance their Understanding of Persons with Disabilities
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) today (16 November 2000) conducted its first training session for front-line staff of the Immigration Department to enhance their knowledge and skills in dealing with persons with disabilities.
About 100 staff of the Immigration Department who might deal with persons with disabilities at work participated in today's training session. Speakers at the training session included Dr. Lee Sing and Dr. Siu Wang-chin, who spoke on communication techniques with ex-mentally ill patients and autistic people. The EOC also invited persons with various disabilities and their family members to share their experiences of contact with staff of disciplinary forces. All the speakers believed that front-line staff of disciplinary forces could develop good relations with persons with disabilities by learning more about their needs and their psychological conditions in an unfamiliar environment. This knowledge would help front-line staff to communicate more effectively with persons with disabilities in the course of discharging their duties and provide appropriate assistance when necessary.
Participants of the training session welcomed today's training offered by the EOC. They believed that sharing experiences with professionals and persons with disabilities themselves would be beneficial to them in their work. The EOC would conduct the second and third training sessions for other staff of the Immigration Department in December 2000.
For enquiries, please contact Mr. Sam Ho, Equal Opportunities Officer, at 2106-2187.
Enquiry: Mr. Sam HO 21062187