Press Releases
EOC Welcomes the Passage of the Race Discrimination Ordinance
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) supports the elimination of discrimination on all grounds and welcomes the passage of the anti-racial discrimination legislation by the Legislative Council today (10 July 2008).
Mr. Raymond TANG, Chairperson of the EOC, said, “The enactment of the Race Discrimination Ordinance is another step forward by the HKSAR to put in place a framework of anti-discrimination laws. It demonstrates Hong Kong’s commitment to protect our citizenry from discrimination and harassment regardless of his/her race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin. Protection means safeguarding access to basic rights such as education, employment and accommodation; it is important that this protection is extended to every person in the community.”
“The enactment of the new law also enables Hong Kong to respond to the requirements under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Eliminating racism can enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong as a business centre, uplift our international image and help demonstrate to the world that we are a genuine cosmopolitan city. This new legislation is important to maintaining Hong Kong’s international reputation,” Mr. TANG emphasized.
“We are pleased that the EOC is entrusted with the administration of this new ordinance. The Commission will devote necessary resources and work with our community partners to ensure its successful implementation,” Mr. TANG said.
In order to raise awareness and promote understanding of this new legislation, the EOC has already started laying the groundwork through liaison and discussion with our stakeholders; drafting a Code of Practice on Employment; conducting public education on social integration and racial harmony through radio and TV programmes, etc. The Commission would continue to enhance its public education and publicity programmes for the ethnic minorities which include strengthening the on-line resources for ethnic minorities, translating and printing EOC pamphlets and booklets into different ethnic minority languages, and organizing training for ethnic minorities in collaboration with NGOs.
“Today’s outcome represents the culmination of many years of hard work on the part of ethnic groups, NGOs, business community, legislators and the government. Their commendable dedication and efforts have now been duly recognized through the enactment of the Ordinance. We are another step closer to achieving a racially holistic society. The success of the Race Discrimination Ordinance will be dependent upon all of us, whether in public or private sector, at home or in the office, honouring the spirit of anti-discrimination legislation,” Mr. TANG added.
For media enquiries, please contact Mr. Sam Ho (Tel : 2106-2187).
Equal Opportunities Commission
10 July 2008