Press Releases
New Publication launched by the EOC – “Guide to Employers on Equal Pay between Men and Women under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance” Promotes Good Pay Practices
Under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO), the principle of equal pay is simple in concept - consistent criteria should be used in determining the terms and conditions of employment for men and women performing work of equal value for the same employer. Yet, there are many factors affecting individual pay. The pay determination process may be complex for some employers while other employers may be making ad hoc pay decisions. The most effective way to promote the practice of equal pay is to raise public awareness and to provide guidelines to employers on pay practices that are free of sex bias. Therefore, the EOC has prepared a set of publications on the subject for easy understanding by the public, with tools and practical tips to be used by employers. An Easy Read Guide is already available at the EOC website, presenting key concepts and principles for quick reference.
The main guide entitled “Guide to Employers on Equal Pay between Men and Women under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance” is released today to explain two essential elements of equal pay:
- how work value is measured
- how to ensure individual pay difference is free of sex bias
The main guide also covers practical guidelines for the achievement of equal pay in the workplace and explains circumstances under which an equal pay complaint may be filed.
In the coming weeks, three supplementary publications providing useful information on other areas of equal pay will be released including:
- Book 1 - An Illustration on Developing an Analytical Job Evaluation System Free of Sex Bias
- Book 2 - A Systematic Approach to Pay Determination Free of Sex Bias
- Book 3 - Equal Pay Self-audit Kit – A Proactive Approach for Employers to Achieve Equal Pay
Two training sessions are also planned in the months of March and April 2009 to present relevant topics in the main guide and supplementary publications. Details will be announced shortly.
Enquiry: EOC hotline 2511 8211
Equal Opportunities Commission
5 February 2009