Press Releases
EOC welcomes The Link’s Accessibility Improvement Plan
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes The Link’s positive follow-up action on the EOC’s Formal Investigation Report on Accessibility in Publicly Accessible Premises, released on 7 June 2010.
Mr. LAM Woon-kwong, Chairperson of the EOC, said, “We are pleased that The Link has pledged today to upgrade their facilities to the best practicable level. The Link’s commitment to investing $200 million on its Total Improvement Plan for the next 5 years, with over 90% of the improvement planned to be completed by July 2014, is an important step towards building an inclusive society.”
“The promise of The Link and the Government to improve their facilities, once realized, will provide significant benefits to society, and bring our public facilities at par with international standards,” said Mr. LAM. “We should continue to work together to make sure that Hong Kong is a place accessible for all, including persons with disabilities and the elderly, so that we can live up to our aspirations as a civilized and inclusive society.”
“I take this opportunity to call on other public and private organizations to take their social responsibilities seriously and treat accessibility for all as a much needed target rather than just an option in waiting.”
“The Commission will examine the plan in detail and monitor its implementation in time,” said Mr. LAM.
For media enquiry, please contact Mr. Sam HO at 2106-2187.
Equal Opportunities Commission
19 January 2011