Press Releases
EOC’s Revised Code of Practice on Employment under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance Gazetted Today
The Equal Opportunities Commission’s revised Code of Practice on Employment under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (the Code) was published in the government gazette today (8 April 2011).
The revised Code gives practical guidance on how to implement equal opportunities between persons with disabilities and those without in the workplace. It also provides updated information on the developments of the law with relevant case illustrations.
Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Mr. LAM Woon-kwong said, “The existing Code has been in use for over ten years and there have been considerable developments pertaining to the implementation of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) over the past years, such as expansions in both local and overseas jurisprudences and increase in the scope and number of complaints we received. With accumulated enforcement experience, the EOC has revised the Code, ensuring that it continues to serve as a useful reference tool for employers, employees and human resources practitioners.”
“A three-month public consultation on the Code has been conducted from 8 April 2010 to 8 July 2010. During the consultation period, the EOC has held 23 meetings to facilitate public’s understanding on the content of the draft Code. The EOC has received a total of 48 written submissions from individuals, employees’ unions, human rights and community organizations, disability NGOs, employers’ groups, government departments, public bodies and professional associations. The EOC has revised the Code after careful consideration of the views and comments collected from the consultation process. Details of the consultation findings can be found in the Consultation Report available on EOC’s website at,” said Mr. LAM.
The revised Code will be tabled in the Legislative Council for negative vetting on 13 April 2011. It can be downloaded from the government website:
Subject to the Legislative Council’s decision, it is hoped that the revised Code would become effective in the middle of this year.
Equal Opportunities Commission
8 April 2011