Equal Opportunities Commission


All Races as One: Learning Kit on Eliminating Racial Discrimination

All Races as One: Learning Kit on Eliminating Racial Discrimination




About the Learning Kit

With an increasing number of non-Chinese speaking students studying in mainstream schools, students, teachers and teaching staff should understand the concept of racial equality with a view to preventing racial discrimination and harassment, and to nurturing racial and cultural sensitivity.

The EOC released Closing the Gap: Report of the Working Group on Education for Ethnic Minorities in September 2019. One of the areas of concern that was noted in the report was racial integration in schools. It was recommended that schools be provided with support to facilitate mutual respect and appreciation among students of different races by enhancing their understanding of different cultures.

This learning kit is designed to support secondary school teachers in developing students’ understanding of racial inclusion and preventing racial discrimination. The ultimate aim is to help students learn to respect and embrace cultural differences between ethnic Chinese and ethnic minorities, gain awareness of the negative impact of racial discrimination and understand the RDO with a view to promoting racial integration in schools.

To learn more about the Learning Kit, click this link to watch the introductory video.


Lesson 1

Key Message:
People should not be discriminated against on the ground of their race. The non-Chinese population have also made significant contributions to Hong Kong

Learning objectives:
To understand-

  1. the demographic trend and contributions of the non-Chinese population
  2. the barriers faced by non-Chinese people in tenancy and accessing services
  3. the meaning of direct racial discrimination under the Race Discrimination Ordinance

Lesson 2

Key Message:
A person’s potential is not determined by race. Discrimination will only constrain the person from realising his/her potential

Learning objectives:
To understand-

  1. the barriers faced by the non-Chinese population in education and employment
  2. successful examples of overcoming racial stereotypes
  3. the meaning of indirect racial discrimination under the Race Discrimination Ordinance

Lesson 3

Key Message:
Prejudice and misunderstanding are the root cause of discrimination and harassment

Learning objectives:
To understand-

  1. the presence of similar beliefs in different religions
  2. the challenges faced by non-Chinese students in education
  3. the meaning of racial harassment under the Race Discrimination Ordinance

Lesson 4

Key Message:
Racial discrimination will undermine Hong Kong’s competitive edge as a cosmopolitan city

Learning objectives:
To understand-

  1. the contributing factors in the development of Hong Kong into a multicultural metropolis
  2. how non-Chinese people are depicted  by the media
  3. the meaning of racial vilification under the Race Discrimination Ordinance