Equal Opportunities Commission


Organisation & Staff

The EOC Board

The current Board is comprised of a Chairperson and other Members, all appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. They represent a balance of background and expertise, including women, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, employment groups, social service sector, legal professionals, accounting professionals, academics and education, and the community at large.

 EOC Members

Ms CHAN Lai-kwan, Queenie, M.H.
Ms CHAN Lai-kwan, Queenie, M.H.
  • Chief Executive, Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong
  • Member, Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Planning
  • Chairperson, Specialized Committee on Sector Finance, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
 The Hon CHENG Wing-shun, Vincent, M.H., J.P.
The Hon CHENG Wing-shun, Vincent, M.H., J.P.
  • Legislative Councillor
  • Non-Executive Director, Urban Renewal Authority
  • Vice Chairman, Major Sports Events Committee
 Ms CHOI Yi-tak, Rosanna
Ms CHOI Yi-tak, Rosanna, M.H.
  • Co-Founding Partner, CW CPA, Certified Public Accountants
  • Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Baptist University
Miss CHOW Lily
Miss CHOW Lily
  • Executive Director, Chevalier International Holdings Limited
  • Member, Election Committee of the HKSAR
  • Member, Court of the City University of Hong Kong
Dr Theresa CUNANAN
Dr Theresa CUNANAN
  • Non-official Member, Finance Committee, Hong Kong Housing Authority
Mr FONG James Mathew
Mr FONG James Mathew
  • Partner, Bird & Bird
Mr LAM Ken-chung, Simon
Mr LAM Ken-chung, Simon
  • Deputy Chairman, Appeal Board Panel (Town Planning)
  • Director, Pure Heart Sunshine Spiritual and Counselling Centre
  • Barrister-at-Law, Fraternity Chambers
  • Partner and Solicitor Advocate, Karas So LLP
  • Immediate Past President, The India Association Hong Kong
  • Member, Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance)
Dr SHIE Wai-hung, Henry
Dr SHIE Wai-hung, Henry, M.H.
  • Vice Chairman, Elderly Care Service Industry Training Advisory Committee
  • Chairman, Association of Bought Place Elderly Services
  • Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association
  • Director, People - John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.
  • Non-official Member, Human Resources Planning Commission
  • Member, Board of Governors of Matilda And War Memorial Hospital
Miss TO Shuk-yi, Shirley
Miss TO Shuk-yi, Shirley
  • Social Services Coordinator, Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired
  • Registered Social Worker
Ms TSANG Chi-man, Linda
Ms TSANG Chi-man, Linda
  • Vice Chairman, The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions
  • Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Greater Bay Area Community Services 
 Dr Rizwan ULLAH, M.H.
Dr Rizwan ULLAH, M.H.
  • Vice Principal, Law Ting Pong Secondary School
  • Convenor, Action Group of Youth Wellness, Youth Development Commission
  • Non-official Member, Commission on Children
Mr WONG Chi-him, Gary, J.P.
Mr WONG Chi-him, Gary, M.H., J.P.
  • Head and Director of Public Affairs and Marketing, Gaw Capital
  • Board Member, Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies 
  • Non-official Member, Commission on Children
Dr WONG Wai-lun, Vincent
Dr WONG Wai-lun, Vincent
  • Chairman (Resolution Committee), Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration
  • Appeal Board and the Rules Committee, Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications Ordinance
  • Steering Committee on Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training and Qualifications Framework
Dr WU Kit-ying, Kitty, J.P.
Dr WU Kit-ying, Kitty, J.P.
  • Chairperson, Board of Director, Hong Kong Institute of Clinical Psychologists
  • Non-official member, Women' s Commission, HKSAR