Equal Opportunities Commission


Animated Videos on “Understanding the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)”

Animated Videos on “Understanding the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)”

The Equal Opportunities Commission has joined hands with Radio Television Hong Kong Radio 1 and social enterprise Let's Talk ADHD to produce a series of animated videos “Understanding the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO)”. The 18-episode video series explains the protection available under the ordinance against disability discrimination, harassment and vilification in the workplace. The content is based on the radio programmes under the “Employment Equality Project” in collaboration with Radio Television Hong Kong Radio 1, while the animation is created by members of the social enterprise Let’s Talk ADHD, which supports persons with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. According to the EOC’s statistics, complaints filed under the DDO took up the largest share of complaints handled by the EOC each year, with the majority falling in the employment field. The animated videos serve to explain the rights and obligations of employers and employees under the DDO, so that they can take better preventive measures.

Introduction of characters in the short videos:  

Ah Ping
  • Voice actress: Ms Sophia YAU

  • Ah Ping is a new journalist who has a strong sense of justice.

Ah Gei
  • Voice actor: Mr Andrew KWOK

  • Ah Gei is an experienced reporter with physical disabilities. He has a positive and optimistic personality.

Assignment Editor
  • Voice actor: Mr C K HO

  • He is a reasonable and considerate supervisor who mbraces equal opportunity.

Ah King
  • Having experienced discrimination in his former job, Ah King believes that everyone should be treated equally. He works as a journalist now.
