“Tracking Racial D&I Progress” Charter Event (25 November 2022)
Close to a hundred representatives from public and private organisations came together for a fruitful conversation at our event “Tracking Racial D&I Progress” in the HKEX Connect Hall on 25 November 2022.
Marking the fourth anniversary of the Racial D&I Charter for Employers which boasts over 260 signatories to date, the event featured keynote speeches by Mr Chris Sun Yuk-han, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Ms Kerry Rooks, Group Chief People Officer of HKEX.
The first section of the event was an engaging panel discussion titled “Tracking Racial D&I Progress: For Business and Social Good”, where the audience got to hear from an experienced panel of senior executives on the challenges and the way forward when it comes to tracking racial D&I.
The event included the official launch of an Advanced Annual Review Form for signatories of the Charter followed by a fireside chat. You can find the Advanced Annual Review Form here.
Please click here to watch the video.