The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is responsible for implementing the four anti-discrimination ordinances in Hong Kong, namely the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Family Status Discrimination Ordinance and the Race Discrimination Ordinance.
A key strategic priority of the Commission is to ensure equal opportunities in employment for racial minorities. In order to encourage and promote racial diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace, we would like to provide employers with guidelines and best practices. The Charter aims to give interested employers a checklist of policies and practices they can implement to further their D&I objectives.
The Charter
- Companies registered with Business Registration: the business must be in operation in Hong Kong for at least 1 year
- Charitable organisations that are exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance
- Education establishments
- Medical institutions
- Chambers of commerce and professional bodies
- Other organisations considered appropriate by the organiser
- Support the principle of promoting racial diversity in the workplace
- Work towards the Charter goals
- Provide an update on actions taken after one year for renewal of signatory status
- Identify oneself as a signatory of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter for Employers
- Use the dedicated Racial Diversity & Inclusion logo on your publications, job advertisements, etc.
- Display the official signed Charter in the office
Q1. Do the signatories have to fulfill all the nine charter goals?
- They are encouraged to work towards the goals but it is NOT necessary to fulfill all to be eligible for signing. Working on some has already shown an employer’ commitment and support for the principles.
Q2. Do the signatories have to provide evidence of continuous progress for renewal?
- We understand that some signatories may have attained a relatively high level of racial diversity and inclusion; and further breakthrough in certain areas may not be easy to make. In other cases, small companies such as SMEs may face resource limitations in progressing toward some goals. Therefore, in the renewal exercise, continuous progress of a signatory will be highly appreciated but NOT a must.
Q3. What do the signatories require to report for renewal? Are there any indicators for the signatories to meet?
- The signatories are required to provide an annual update which serves more as a feedback collection exercise on which areas they find it challenging to work on and what progress or good practice they have achieved and could share with us. We are developing the annual feedback form with NO plan to introduce any scoring or indicators.
Q4. Do the signatories have to hire more ethnic minorities or lower the Chinese language requirement in recruitment?
- Racial diversity and inclusion is for everybody. Therefore, hiring more ethnic minorities is basically NOT a criteria or stated goal of the Charter. Companies without non-Chinese staff can still sign the Charter provided they have a racially inclusive policy and/or work on cultivating a race friendly culture among their Chinese staff. Having said that, efforts on promoting the employment opportunities for ethnic minorities is highly appreciated as it will be one of the most direct ways to achieve racial diversity and facilitate racial inclusion.
Q5. What are the steps ahead?
- Simply return the interest declaration form and then sign the Charter under an agreed arrangement of format and event.
- If your company is interested in becoming a Charter signatory, please download the Declaration of Interest Form, which you can fill up and email back to or fax it to (852) 2511 8142
- If you would like to get more information and/or set up a meeting with us, please fill in this Online Slip.
Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme
To recognise the achievements of organisations that demonstrate a commitment to implementing policies and practices promoting the values of racial equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has launched a Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme.
- To cultivate and enhance awareness of the benefits of racial diversity and inclusion policies and encourage employers in different sectors to reap the benefits, by implementing racially inclusive employment policies and practices.
- To give recognition to companies and organisations which have excelled in creating racially inclusive workplaces, and provide a benchmark of good practices for others to follow.
- To mainstream racial diversity and inclusion (D&I) values across different sectors and foster the spirit of diversity and inclusion, with a view to creating a cultural shift in the wider community and building an inclusive and discrimination-free society.
Depending on the responses received, there will be an SME award under some or each of the three categories.
The assessment covers five main areas, namely the commitment of the management to equal opportunity policies; efforts to put in place and maintain equal opportunity policies and measures; the innovativeness and sustainability of the policies and measures; and the benefits brought by the policies and measures. The assessment criteria are explained below:
Being Strategic & Consistent: Demonstrate commitment (20%)
- Racial D&I is an explicit or implied core value for the organisation.
- Values of equal opportunities, and/or diversity and inclusion are embedded across processes in the company / organisation.
- Systems are in place and consistently applied to ensure bias-free employment experiences for all, from recruitment to on-the-job, to training and promotions.
Being Proactive: Put in place policies and measures (40%)
- Policies are put in place to promote and support employment equality of members of racially under-represented communities, and to create a safe, inclusive and harassment-free work environment for them:
- Targets have been set to recruit the above groups or efforts made to maintain a diverse workforce.
- Measures are in place to ensure there are no barriers to career progression of racially diverse employees.
- There is a formalised channel or mechanism for addressing grievances and for handling complaints on inequality and/or discriminatory practices or behaviours within the organisation.
- Training is provided and/or arranged for staff members regularly to increase their awareness and understanding of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion values and to build an inclusive culture within the organisation.
Being Innovative: Adopt new, creative approaches (10%)
- Policies and initiatives introduced are new to the industry / sector and/or in Hong Kong.
Being Sustainable: Aim for long-term rather than one-off (10%)
- The initiatives are not one-off, but part of longer-terms plans, goals and strategy.
- The initiatives are sustainable or replicable and can be rolled out by other companies / organisations or across the sector.
Being Impactful: Bring benefits both within and outside the organisation (20%)
- The policies / initiatives have delivered tangible benefits to the company / organisation, such as staff retention, enhanced efficiency and productivity and increased staff satisfaction.
- The policies / initiatives have driven change beyond the company / organisation, and have helped to raise awareness of equal opportunities, racial diversity and inclusion values across the industry or the community.
- Collaborations have been made with other companies / organisations to generate action in promoting racial equality and inclusion.
- Efforts have been made to share learning and practices with other companies / organisations.
The assessment will start in April 2025, and involves three stages: preliminary screening and review, detailed assessment and final judging.
- An independent Judging Panel made up of EOC Members, social dignitaries and professionals across different sectors will decide on the awardees. All decisions made by the Judging Panel and the organiser in relation to the awards are final and binding.
- Awards will be presented only when the Judging Panel is satisfied that the entrant’s policies and practices are commendable. The Judging Panel reserves the right to withhold any or all awards.
- The Judging Panel reserves the right not to accept any submission that does not reach the standard set by the Judging Panel.
- The application is free of charge.
- Interested parties can file their applications with the EOC by submitting the following documents on or before the application deadline on 31 March 2025:
- Completed application form(s)
- Relevant supporting documents and materials, such as: certificate copies, corporate publications like annual reports, office memos and emails, letters, staff manuals, photographic or audio-visual materials, that may be attached to the submission to facilitate the assessment. If the application is submitted by email, each email should be less than 10MB.
- Each company / organisation may submit only one application for multiple categories. For subsidiaries operating under a group, they may choose to submit separate applications or join the holding company or organisation to submit a joint application.
- Application should be submitted to the EOC through any of the following methods:
- By email:
- By fax: (852) 2511 8142
- By post: 16/F, 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
(Please mark “Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme” on the envelope.)
- Please submit the application form on or before 31 March 2025. Late submission will not be considered.
- Participating companies / organisations should ensure that all information provided in the application form is true and accurate. Verification of data submitted by the applicants may be required.
- The EOC may request additional information and supporting documents during the judging process.
- The EOC may reject an application in case information provided in the application form is incomplete or inaccurate.
- Participating companies / organisations should provide assistance to the organiser when needed throughout the adjudication process.
- The decision of the Judging Panel is final.
- The companies / organisations awarded should actively participate in all award and publicity activities and be willing to share their policies and practices.
- The results of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme will not affect or jeopardise the exercise of the statutory functions of the EOC. The EOC reserves the sole right to terminate or modify the right of awardees to use the Logo. In the event of dispute, the decision of the EOC shall be final and binding.
- Personal data provided by the participating companies / organisations will be used by the EOC for the purpose of communication and promotion related to the Award Scheme. Should the companies / organisations wish to access or correct the data, please contact the Ethnic Minorities Unit of EOC at 2511 8211 or email to
Companies / organisations interested in joining the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employers Award Scheme should fill in the following application form and send it/them together with related supporting documents to the EOC no later than 31 March 2025.
For enquiries, please contact the Ethnic Minorities Unit of EOC from Mondays to Fridays 8:45am to 5:45pm.
Tel: (852)2511 8211
Upcoming Event
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