E-Learning For Teachers
Equal Opportunities Begin At School
Earn CPD hours
“Peter is a very busy primary school teacher. Recently a new student, Linda, joined his class. She has a visual impairment. Peter very much wanted to assist her smooth integration into the classroom but he did not know what would be best for Linda or what the law expects of him and the school, until now.”
He has just completed the E-learning Programme.
“Equal Opportunities Begin At School” is a new web based training programme designed specially for teachers and developed jointly by the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Education and Manpower Bureau.
You can just log onto the Hong Kong Education City website (http://equaled.hkedcity.net) and work through the interactive activities, videos and quizzes of this three module programme to understand the Disability Discrimination Ordinance and how it impacts on your work as a teacher.
Module One: Explains the background to the law and the principles that underpin equal opportunity
Module Two: Explains the Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO) in a straight forward way
Module Three: Provides practical guidance on how to apply the law in a practical way in the classroom
You can learn at your own pace. Once you have successfully completed the programme, an e-certificate can be downloaded, and you will be awarded 4 CPD (Continuing Professional Development) hours.
Please check out the Open Forum to communicate with other teachers and discuss successful strategies in integrating students with disabilities into the classroom.
“Equal Opportunities Begin At School” can be accessed at http://equaled.hkedcity.net.