EOC welcomes new Members and extends gratitude to outgoing Members
The Government announced the appointment of five new Members to the EOC today (30 April 2021), including Ms CHAN Lai-kwan, Ms CHOI Yi-tak, Dr Theresa CUNANAN, Ms Linda TSANG Chi-man and Miss YIM Chor-pik. They will serve a two-year term with effect from 20 May 2021. Existing Members Prof Cecilia CHAN Lai-wan, The Hon Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, Dr Andy CHIU Man-chung, Mr Mohan DATWANI, Ms Maisy HO Chiu-ha, Mr Henry SHIE Wai-hung, Ms Anna THOMPSON, Dr Rizwan ULLAH and Mr Gary WONG Chi-him have also been re-appointed by the Government.
Welcoming the new Members, EOC Chairperson, Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin said, “That the appointees come from diverse backgrounds reflects the very spirit of inclusion the EOC champions. With their wide-ranging areas of expertise and connections with different sectors, I am certain that they will provide us with insightful and innovative ideas, and I look forward to working with them as a team to elevate the EOC’s work.”
Mr Chu continued, “We must also take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Members, Prof Susanne CHOI Yuk-ping, Ms Elizabeth LAW, Ms Juan LEUNG Chung-yan, Ms Shirley LOO and Miss YU Chui-yee. From groundbreaking surveys about sexual harassment in tertiary education to the first equality-themed employer recognition scheme in Hong Kong, they have contributed to many EOC projects that have made a significant and lasting impact.”