Press Releases
EOC Gives Legal Assistance in Disability Discrimination Case
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has today (10 August 2012) issued legal proceedings under the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Cap. 487 in the District Court, on behalf of a man who suffered from heart disease. The plaintiff alleged that his employer had discriminated against him by terminating his employment after he had applied for sick leave for a heart surgery.
It has been brought to the EOC’s attention that there was considerable number of cases whereby employees having to take leave for their disabilities or to undergo treatment tended to be unfavourably treated or even dismissed by their employers under various pretext. By taking this case to court, the EOC hopes to raise public awareness and remind employers that disability discrimination in the workplace is unlawful and employers should provide reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities.
For media enquiries, please contact Ms. Mariana LAW at 2106-2226.
Equal Opportunities Commission
10 August 2012