Equal Opportunities Commission


Press Releases

Press Releases

EOC Welcomes Re-appointment of Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin as Chairperson


The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) welcomes the Government’s re-appointment of Mr Ricky CHU Man-kin as the EOC Chairperson for a term of two years commencing from 11 April 2022. 

Mr CHU said, "Amid the challenges in the past three years, I am honoured to have worked with the committed EOC Board and staff members in  implementing the four anti-discrimination ordinances, not only by complaint-handling, policy support & research, legislative review, public education and publicity, but also by responding and providing suggestions to tackle possible discrimination issues related to COVID-19. I will continue to work closely with the EOC Board, stakeholders and all staff members to strive for a pluralistic and inclusive society without discrimination, and effectively carry out our statutory duties in serving the community.” 

“My work in the EOC in the past three years has been challenging, but fruitful and rewarding. I am glad to see our long-time advocacy efforts bear fruit in the most extensive reform of the anti-discrimination laws in recent years. The Discrimination Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance 2020 and the Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 were passed by the Legislative Council in June 2020 and March 2021 respectively to enhance protection from discrimination and harassment under the four anti-discrimination ordinances, including to strengthen legal protection for breastfeeding women. Since 2019, the EOC has also adopted a ‘victim-centric approach’ and enhanced our mechanism for handling discrimination complaints from members of the public. With the support from the Government, a designated Anti-Sexual Harassment Unit was set up in 2020 to raise public awareness on sexual harassment, and to act as the first port of call for victims of sexual harassment.”

“Besides our efforts in the enforcement work, the EOC also rolled out a string of unprecedented initiatives in marking our 25th anniversary in 2021. Topping the list of our breakthroughs was the launch of the first-ever Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme in Hong Kong and the enhanced publicity in social media by setting up the EOC Instagram account titled ‘EO Matters’ and revamp of our Facebook page to reach  more young people. The Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter for Employers has hit the 200-signatory milestone this year and a number of significant surveys and studies have been completed and released to provide recommendations on various equal opportunity issues,” said Mr CHU.    

Mr CHU added, "As Hong Kong is weathering through the severe challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the EOC will remain as committed as ever to making the most of its statutory powers to uphold the values of equal opportunities. The EOC will remain alert and responsive to discrimination issues, stay vigilant to uphold the laws that protect the community from discrimination, and maximise collaboration with the Government and other stakeholders to achieve equal opportunities for all.”


Equal Opportunities Commission
4 March 2022
