Equal Opportunities Commission


Press Releases

Press Releases

EOC Chairperson and Staff Members Visit Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired


The Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau, along with the management team of the EOC, visited the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (Ebenezer) in Pok Fu Lam yesterday (14 October 2024). 

Guided by Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of Ebenezer, Mr Remy WONG Kwan-bo, Principal of Ebenezer School, Ms WONG Tin-ling, Principal of Ebenezer New Hope School, Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi, Social Services Coordinator of Ebenezer and EOC Member, and other teaching staff members, the delegation learnt about Ebenezer’s services in the areas of education, rehabilitation, and career development, as well as its various curriculum designed for students with visual impairments, including music, technology and lifestyle, artificial intelligence,  professional development, and the career support scheme Project WORKS. Aside from visiting the school campus and learning environment, the EOC delegation also held a discussion with Ebenezer’s CEO and staff members on ways to tackle the educational and employment challenges faced by people with visual impairments, while also exploring solutions to improve their employment competency and positive mindset through training, and expand the school’s connection with different collaborative partners.

Ms Lam said, “We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Dr Yuk and her team at the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired for organising the visit for the EOC delegation. The visit allowed the EOC staff members to learn about the diverse services provided by Ebenezer. Guided by the value of providing suitable education for all, Ebenezer has been developing children and young people with visual impairments for over a century, empowering them to fulfil their potential, contribute to society, and lead independent, dignified lives. As the statutory body responsible for implementing the Disability Discrimination Ordinance and other anti-discrimination ordinances, the EOC also cares deeply about the wellbeing of people with disabilities, including the challenges people with visual impairments face in the areas of education, employment, and access to services and facilities. The EOC is particularly concerned about the employment challenges people with disabilities face, as well as the obstacles young people with disabilities experience as they transition from school to the workplace.”

Ms Lam continued, “According to the EOC’s research, people with disabilities face numerous challenges in finding employment. One of the major obstacles is employers’ lack of understanding of people with disabilities. For example, some employers worry that providing accommodation for people with disabilities requires significant resources. As a result, they tend to avoid hiring people with disabilities. In fact, providing accommodation for people with disabilities usually does not require a great deal of resources. For example, with appropriate work arrangements and simple assistive tools, such as screen reading software for computers and smartphones, and AI technology, people with visual impairments can fulfil the work requirements and make positive contributions. In hiring people with different abilities, employers can also expand the talent pool and fill vacancies. Accordingly, the EOC will continue to encourage employers to hire individuals with disabilities and provide appropriate accommodations for them through various platforms and events. We look forward to working with stakeholders in different sectors, including Ebenezer, to ensure that students with visual impairments are able to put what they learn to use and develop their talent, thereby leading independent lives and fully integrating into society.”

- End -

EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (second from right) and the management team of the EOC visit the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired and meet Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (second from left) and other teaching staff.
EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (second from right) and the management team of the EOC visit the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired and meet Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (second from left) and other teaching staff.

EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (front row, second from left) and the management team of the EOC tour the office of Project WORKS at Ebenezer School and listen to the introduction by Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (front row, second from right) and Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi, Social Services Coordinator of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired and EOC Member (back row, first from right).
EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (front row, second from left) and the management team of the EOC tour the office of Project WORKS at Ebenezer School and listen to the introduction by Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (front row, second from right) and Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi, Social Services Coordinator of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired and EOC Member (back row, first from right).

EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (centre) and the management team of the EOC visit the computer lesson at the Ebenezer School.
EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (centre) and the management team of the EOC visit the computer lesson at the Ebenezer School.

EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (front row, fourth from right) and the management team of the EOC take a group photo with Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (front row, third from right), Mr Remy WONG Kwan-bo, Principal of Ebenezer School (back row, first from right), Ms WONG Tin-ling, Principal of Ebenezer New Hope School (front row, second from right), Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi, Social Services Coordinator of Ebenezer and EOC Member (front row, fourth from left), and other teaching staff in front of Ebenezer.
EOC Chairperson Ms Linda LAM Mei-sau (front row, fourth from right) and the management team of the EOC take a group photo with Dr Alice YUK Tak-fun, Chief Executive Officer of the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired (front row, third from right), Mr Remy WONG Kwan-bo, Principal of Ebenezer School (back row, first from right), Ms WONG Tin-ling, Principal of Ebenezer New Hope School (front row, second from right), Ms Shirley TO Shuk-yi, Social Services Coordinator of Ebenezer and EOC Member (front row, fourth from left), and other teaching staff in front of Ebenezer.
