Celebration of 6th Anniversary of the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter for Employers (29 November 2024)
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) launched the Racial Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Charter for Employers (“Charter”) in 2018 with the support of 11 founding signatory companies to promote racial equality and inclusion in workplaces. This year marks the 6th anniversary of the Charter and we have been able to grow the signatory network to nearly 500. The organisations that are part of this network are all committed to furthering the values of racial inclusion in their workplaces and come from various sectors.
To celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Charter and the 15th anniversary of the implementation of the Race Discrimination Ordinance, Charter signatories are invited to the Reception at the HKEX Connect Hall on 29 November 2024 which features a chit-chat session, announcement of the Inaugural Racial Diversity & Inclusion Employer Awards and networking opportunity.
The EOC is grateful to have the Honourable Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee, GBM, GBS, JP, to officiate the event as the Guest of Honour.
Details of the Reception are as follows:
Venue: Grand Auditorium, The HKEX Connect Hall, 1/F, One and Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong
Date: 29 November 2024 (Friday)
Language: English
17:00-17:30 Registration
17:30-18:30 Event
18:30-19:00 Networking
Dresscode: Business attire (jeans, T-shirts, tracksuits, shorts, sports shoes and flip-flops are not acceptable)
Registration is open until 15 November 2024 (Friday). Should you wish to participate in the event, please fill in the Registration Form.